in the basement

Will Phail is a fifteen-year-old like many others: lazy, spoiled and phlegmatic.
But he has one thing that others lack: he's useless!
Discover Illiterate Code Games first point-and-click adventure
Available in English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Brazilian Pt.


Dodge lazy grandparents, mischievous rats, and carnivorous plants, talking animals, homeworks!


Find the courage to descend into the frightening basement, where powers beyond understanding lurk, waiting to be awakened!

A dive into the golden age of point-and-click adventures!


Our first game

Powers in the Basement (PitB for short) is a 5-6 hours long point-and-click adventure game, deliberately reminiscent of the great classics from the 80s / 90s, with a specific sweet spot for LucasArts productions.

It's a witty and sometimes surreal game, with clean humour, also suitable for children, set in a pseudo-fantasy world in which the medieval fairytale is punctuated by anachronisms, elements of modernity, and absurd references to nerd pop culture.

You will meet funny characters, face bizarre situations, solve challenging puzzles, and enjoy some hopefully rewarding wild goose chases.

Pick up

Powers in the Basement can be played in English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese and Brazilian Pt.

Available for Windows icon Linux icon Mac OSX icon
Look at

Take a look at the game

Powers in the basement - Intro screen, with a scared Will ready to face his fears.
Powers in the basement - Will's bedroom.
Powers in the basement - The living room, a place of wisdom and knowledge.
Powers in the basement - The entrance of the house, a sort of museum.
Powers in the basement - The basement.
Powers in the basement - Shooting training.

Feedback from the players

“Great game, really fun and addictive! It gets that old school puzzle design perfectly, reminded me of Simon the Sorcerer a lot”
“This game is killing-funny, I'm laughing all the time! There's so much to read, if you want to, and so many details. Never boring.”
“Loving the game, feels very crisp and fun... but damn is it HARD!”

The most pleasant surprise of 2022 in indie gaming

Cryptic Hybrid

Watch the full interview on the Cryptic Hybrid Youtube channel

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Illiterate Code Games

Illiterate Code Games is a collective of three developers and game designers based in Italy.

We love making stuff and we hope you'll enjoy playing our games as much as we had fun creating them.

If you need to contact us, you can write to info(at)illiteratecode.games or join our Discord Community.

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